Wednesday, 27 May 2009

Where's the sunshine gone?

It's been raining all day. I have loads of washing to dry, but there's no more space indoors. Not done a lot today yet. Just booking my train tickets for my next visit to Gloucester. Will be just before my birthday, so that'll be nice. Bob isn't coming with me though.

Wii Fit has decided I'm 2lbs lighter again, so the whole 'weighing in at the same time each day' thing must make a difference.

Breakfast-bowl of strawberry crisp cereal

Lunch-one plain bagel with garlic & herb philly (stinky breath now!). Packet of smokey bacon crisps. Mug of coffee.

Snack-6 crackers with cheese. Am really hungry this afternoon!
Tea-chicken burger in a roll, potoato wedges. Half a small easter egg and a mug of coffee.

Feel really fed up. Didn't do any wii fit exercises today. Just couldn't face it. Am fed up with wasting my time with people who couldn't give a shit about me. Hardly any of my so-called friends bother to keep in touch with me, and when I contact them they take days to reply. I wonder how many of them would bother to come to my funeral...

Think I might have a Baileys to drown my sorrows.

(I didn't have a Baileys in the end. Had a couple of small bits of bread from the loaf I've just made, and a glass of orange juice. Off to bed now...hope I get a great nights sleep & wake up much happier than I have been all week)

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